Magdalena Konopka

What to expect during your first visit

During the first visit, Dr. Konopka will go over your specific conditions with you, as well as perform a physical exam to determine the exact cause of the problem. If the condition is something that we are able to treat, we will begin the appropriate therapy as soon as possible. If the condition is not a chiropractic issue, you will be referred to the appropriate health professional.

Typically the treatment can begin on the same day the initial assessment is performed, however occasionally x-rays or other testing is required before treatment may begin. Every patient receives a customized treatment that is explained to them after the initial assessment. Normally, treatments include gentle, hands-on adjustments, muscle stretching/stripping, therapeutic electric stimulation and/or ultrasound, and exercises/stretches. The goal of the treatment is to relieve the pain and its associated symptoms as quickly as possible, and to ensure the problem does not persist or reoccur.

Contact me

(905) 855 - 7370

  • Neck and back pain

  • Headaches

  • Whiplash

  • Disc injuries

  • Neck injuries

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Workplace injuries

Conditions Treated

  • Sports and exercise injuries

  • Lifting injuries

  • Low back and hip pain

  • Shoulder, arm and hand pain

  • Knee, ankle and foot pain

  • Arthritis

  • Chronic pain

  • Monday ——— 10:00am - 2:00pm
    Tuesday ——— 1:30pm - 6:30pm
    Wednesday —————— Closed
    Thursday ——————— Closed
    Friday ———— 1:30pm - 6:30pm
    Saturday ———————— Closed
    Sunday ———————— Closed

  • Initial chiropractic examination - $120

    Chiropractic re-examination - $75

    New complaint evaluation - $75

    Chiropractic treatment for adults [20 minutes] - $60

    Chiropractic treatment for seniors [20 minutes] - $55

    Chiropractic treatment for children under 17 [20minutes] - $45

    Extended chiropractic treatment (30 minutes) - $75

Type of Care

Phase 2: Corrective/Stabilization Care

The Goal of Correction/Stabilization Care is to stabilize your spine/joints to allow your body to heal more completely and easily. You may not have much pain at this point, however the injured tissues are still not completely healed. Treatment at this time is usually not as frequent, though self-help measures (exercise, good posture, etc.) can play a beneficial role in your overall healing process.

Most chiropractors regard the elimination of pain symptoms as the easiest part of a person’s path to well-being. If the chiropractor simply reduces the pain and stops there, the chances of the condition returning and recurring are increased. In order to prevent symptoms from recurring, it is necessary to continue receiving care, even though the symptoms are gone.

During the correction/restorative phase, you will not have to receive adjustments as often as during the first phase. Depending on your unique circumstance, you may begin doing exercises and stretches either at our office or at home in order to help accelerate your healing process. 

If you have occasional mild flare-ups in your symptoms, do not be discouraged! This is a normal part of the healing process. Flare-ups occur during this phase because your body has yet to fully heal. Depending on the severity of your condition, this phase may last anywhere from a few months to a couple of years.

Phase 1: Relief Care

Many people go to a chiropractor because they are in pain. The goal of the first phase of care is to get you out of pain as fast as we possibly can. Most people are under the impression that if they do not feel any pain, there is nothing wrong with them – unfortunately this is not the case as pain is a poor indicator of health. In fact, pain and other symptoms associated with pain, frequently only appear after a condition has become advanced. In the case of chiropractic care, pain is also the first symptom to disappear, even though much of the underlying condition remains.

Phase 3: Wellness Care

The Goal of Maintenance/Wellness Care is to maintain the correction that has already been achieved, as you continue to enjoy your life to the fullest! The type of work that you do as well as the lifestyle choices you make, can potentially make you more susceptible to recurrent spinal problems. Consistent maintenance care can help reduce or prevent flare-ups that are caused by poor lifestyle habits. Wellness-minded adults generally choose this type of care for themselves and their children. 

Once your body has fully healed routine chiropractic care helps keep your body in optimal condition, which helps ensure that your physical problems do not return. Just like maintaining an exercise and eating-well program to sustain the benefits of exercise and proper diet, it is necessary to continue chiropractic care to ensure the health of your musculoskeletal system. When making chiropractic care a part of your lifestyle, you avoid constantly experiencing many of the aches and pains that many people suffer through. Also, incorporating chiropractic care will help your joints last longer, which as a result will allow you to enjoy more of the activities that you love.

In the end… How long you choose to benefit from chiropractic care is up to you!